
academic/research articles_ // books_ // other articles_ // other documents_


With the exception of the link to my book "Windows versus Linux", this list only contains openly available full texts.
For other publications see my publication list at University of Innsbruck and my Google Scholar profile.

academic/research articles_ description_ file_ license_
"Searching for Transformative Potential: Comparing Conceptualizations of Open, Inclusive and Alternative Organizations." (en) article analyzing scholarly approaches that explicitly imagine organizations as capable of 'doing good' under the labels of 'open', 'inclusive' or 'alternative'. In: Elke Weik, Chris Land and Ronald Hartz (eds.): The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation, 2024, 295-313; co-authored with Laura Dobusch and Katharina Kreissl
"Hört die Signa(le): Rechtspolitische Fragen und Ableitungen aus dem Fall der Signa-Gruppe." (de) article analyzing loopholes and potential legal policy derivations from the bankruptcy of the SIGNA real-estate and retail group led by René Benko. In: juridikum - Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht Gesellschaft, 2024, 181-191; co-authored with Jakob Sturn
"Von Sendern zum offenen Ökosystem. Zur Reform und Zukunft des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks." (de) article on needs for reform and new digital opportunities for public service media broadcasters applying an open ecosystem appraoch. In: Journalistik. Zeitschrift für Journalismusforschung, 2024, Heft 1, 97-110;
"The Structural Transformation of the Scientific Public Sphere: Constitution and consequences of the path towards Open Access" (en) article discussing the consequences of the Open Access transformation for the public spheres of science and democracy by looking at the example of the German Open Access path. In: Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2024; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
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"Barracudas, Piranhas and Crowds: Making ideas valuable in pharmaceutical innovation through opening and closing practices of valuation" (en) article on the valuation of objects and emerging ideas as well as unveiling how pharmaceutical firms adapt valuation practices in times of crisis, when the imperative to generate novel solutions intensifies. In: Innovation: Organization & Management , 2024; co-authored with Katharina Zangerle and Richard Weiskopf
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"Taking individual choices seriously: A process perspective of self-selection in strategy work." (en) article on how individuals knowingly choose to involve themselves in strategizing events and we develop in turn a process model of self-selection as an ongoing social accomplishment. In: Organization Theory, 2023; co-authored with Martin Friesl and Christoph Brielmaier
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"Openness as Organizing Principle: Introduction to the Special Issue" (en) introductory article of a special issue on theorizing openness in organizing across various domains such as innovation, government or strategy. In: Organization Studies, 2023; co-authored with Violetta Splitter, Georg von Krogh, Richard Whittington and Peter Walgenbach
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"'Schöne neue Lieferkettenwelt': Workers' Voice und Arbeitsstandards in Zeiten algorithmischer Vorhersage" (de) book chapter on the issue of predictive risk analysis tools in global supply chains with a focus on implications for worker participation; co-authored with Lukas Daniel Klausner and Maximilian Heimstädt. In: Haipeter, T., Helfen, M., Kirsch, A., & Rosenbohm, S.(eds.): Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten., transcript, 57-70, 2022
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"Wie offen sind 'offene' Online-Gemeinschaften? Inklusion, Exklusion und die Ambivalenz von Schließungent" (de) article on the lack of diversity even in online communities marked as explicitly open; co-authored with Laura Dobusch. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 74, 257-281, 2022;
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"Objektivität in Anführungszeichen: Über Wissenschaft und Aktivismus" (de) article on the the normativity inherent in any epistemological endeavor, be it scientific or journalistic and (the reasons for) thus ill-founded accusations of activism in these contexts; In: "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte", APuZ 26-27/2022
online / pdf
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"Three Faces of Openness in Organising Copyright" (en) article on sketching a basic typology of various conceptualisations of openness grounded in copyright licensing standards; co-authored with Konstantin Honduras. In: 21 for 2021 Project, 2022;
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"Meta-organisations as drivers for sustainability across tourism clusters in the Alps: A case study of 'Alpine Pearls'" (en) book chapter on investigate how coopetitive intra-destination cluster dynamics and meta-organisational inter-destination management can be combined to facilitate sustainable development in the tourism industry.; co-authored with Monica Nadegger. In: Lupova-Henry, E., and Dotti, N.F. (eds.): Clusters and Sustainable Regional Development: A Meta-Organisational Approach, Routledge, 57-70, 2022
"Schöne Neue Digitale Organisationswelt: Offen für Diversität oder Exklusion durch Offenheit?" (de) book chapter on the imported, created and path-dependent diversity deficits in open online communities; In: Schnegg, K., Tschuggnall, J., Voithofer, C., and Auer, M. (eds.): Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung: Innsbrucker Gender Lectures IV, innsbruck university press, 57-70, 2022.
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"Fehlschläge offen einräumen: Über das Nachleben gescheiterter Startups" (de) German version of the article on various genres of postmortem statements published in Long Range Planning earlier in the year. In: zfo - zeitschrift führung + organisation, 2022; co-authored with Nils Köster, Erik Schäfer and Christoph Seckler
"The Communicative Constitution of Organizationality" (en) book chapter explaining why a communication-centered understanding of organizational phenomena goes especially well together with the notion of organizationality (i.e., as a gradual understanding of organization); In: Basque, J., Bencherki, N., and Kuhn, T. (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization, Routledge, 134-147, 2022.
"Open about organizational failure: A communication perspective on postmortem impression management" (en) article on various genres of postmortem statements published by failed startup founders, which communicatively constitute an organizational afterlife. In: Long Range Planning, 2021; co-authored with Nils Köster, Erik Schäfer and Christoph Seckler
"From Becoming to Being Digital: The Emergence and Nature of the Post-Digital" (en) article based on the transcript of an in-depth discussion among the authors, addressing the question how to grasp a post-digital society. In: i-com, 2021; co-authored with Benjamin Müller, Sarah Diefenbach and Katharina Baer
"Striving for societal impact as an early-career researcher: Reflections on five common concerns" (en) article on how to cope with challenges of and prejudices associated with impact scholarship. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2021; co-authored with Sascha Friesike and Maximilian Heimstädt
"Riskante Retweets: 'Predictive Risk Intelligence' und Interessenvertretung in globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken" (de) article on how Predictive Risk Intelligence providers use social media data to make predictions about industrial relation events such as strikes and protests. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, 2021; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
"Freie Lizenzen und ö,ffentlich-rechtliche Medien: Wettbewerbspolitische Dimensionen" (de) article on the role of EU competition regulation for using free copyright licenses by public service media. In: Budzinski, O./Haucap, J./Stöhr, A./Wentzel, D. (eds.): Zur Ökonomik von Sport, Entertainment und Medien: Schnittstellen und Hintergründe, de Gruyter, 261-272, 2021
"Strukturwandel der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit: Konstitution und Konsequenzen des Open-Access-Pfades" (de) article on drivers and challenges of the open access transition in the market for scholarly publishing. In: Leviathan, Sonderband 37, 425-454, 2021; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
"Between Anxiety and Hope: How Actors Experience Regulatory Uncertainty in Creative Processes in Music and Pharma" (en) article on how various professional actors perceive and deal with regulatory uncertainty in creative processes. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 75, 137-169, 2021; co-authored with Konstantin Hondros, Sigrid Quack and Katharina Zangerle
"Transparency and Accountability: Causal, Critical and Constructive Perspectives." (en) article differentiating various perspectives on transparency in organization theory, introducing a constructive view complementing the previous causal and critical perspectives. In: Organization Theory, 1(4), 2020; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
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"The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach" (en) collaboratively written article on open innovation in science. In: Industry & Innovation, 2020; co-authored with 40+ other authors
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"Defining predatory journals: no peer review, no point" (en) comment on the relevance of peer review quality as a key criteria for defining predatory publishing outlets. In: Nature, 580, 29, 2020; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt, Katja Mayer and Tony Ross-Hellauer
"Predatory publishing in management research: A call for open peer review" (en) article discussing the dangers associated with predatory publishing for management research and offering more open peer review practices as a potential antidote In: Management Learning, 50 (5), 607-619, 2020; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
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"The Relation between Openness and Closure in Open Strategy: Programmatic and Constitutive Approaches to Openness" (en) book chapter different conceptuatlizations of openness in strategy-making and their relation with inclusion and exclusion. Published in: Seidl, D./von Krogh, G./Whittington, R. (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Open Strategy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 326-336; co-authored with (my sister) Laura Dobusch
"Closing for the Benefit of Openness: Lessons from Wikimedia's Open Strategy Process." (en) article on the paradox need for closure to achieve inclusive openness in open strategy-making, based upon a case study of Wikimedia. In: Organization Studies, 40(3), 343-370, 2019; co-authored with (my sister) Laura Dobusch and Gordon Müller-Seitz
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"Public Open Spaces: Von Sendern zu öffentlich-rechtlichen Plattformen" (de) article on the role of public service media for creating open public spaces in the era of new digital online platforms. In: Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 25-36, 2019
"Open Strategy between Crowd and Community: Comparing Wikimedia and Creative Commons." (en) article comparing different open strategy initiatives regarding the involvement of either crowds or communities. In: Long Range Planning, 51(4), 561-579, 2018; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller; a previous version of the paper was awarded the Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2013;
"Politics of disclosure: Organizational transparency as multi-actor negotiation." (en) article on the negotiation of organizational transparency in the case of open data in Berlin. In: Public Administration Review, 78(5), 727-738, 2018; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstädt
"Memes as games: The evolution of a digital discourse online." (en) article on internet memes and how their evolution can be explained as a form of communicative game. In: New Media & Society, 20(8), 2862-2879, 2018; co-authored with Jens Seiffert-Brockmann and Trevor Diehl
"Lernen und Lehren im Zeitalter des Remix" (de) book chapter copyright-related implications for learning and teaching in the age of digital remix culture. In: Hug, T. Medienpädagogik: Herausforderungen für Lernen und Bildung im Medienzeitalter. Innsbruck University Press, 2018
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"A Communication Perspective on Open Strategy and Open Innovation." (en) article comparing open strategy and open innovation from a Luhmannian communication-theoretical perspective. In: Managementforschung, 27(1), 5-25, 2017; co-authored with Waldemar Kremser, David Seidl and Felix Werle
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"Financialization as Strategy: Accounting for Inter-Organizational Value Creation in the European Real Estate Industry." (en) article on the emergence of financialized business models in the real-estate sector with a focus on the role of fees in inter-organizational networks. In: Accounting, Organizations and Society, 59, 31-43, 2017; co-authored with Sebastian Botzem; see also teaching notes on the case provided by Dirk Bezemer.
"Open for Feedback? Formal and Informal Recursivity in the Transnational Standard-Setting of Creative Commons." (en) article on recursiveness in transnational standard-setting processes in the case of Creative Commons' alternative copyright standards. In: Global Policy, 8 (3),353-363, 2017; co-authored with Markus Lang and Sigrid Quack
"Sharing Economy between Commons and Commodification." (en) conference paper applying a Polanyian lens on the sharing economy, differentiating between market-based and commons-based sharing economy. Presented at the International Conference "A Great Transformation? Global Perspectives on Contemporary Capitalisms", January 10-13, 2017, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
"Making an Impression Through Openness: How Open Strategy-Making Practices Change in the Evolution of New Ventures" (en) article on open strategy-making via corporate blogs in the cases of the two startup companies buffer and mite. In: Long Range Planning, 50 (3), 337-354, 2017; co-authored with Thomas Gegenhuber
"Fluidity, Identity and Organizationality: The Communicative Constitution of Anonymous" (en) article on the communicative constitution of organizational identity and boundary in the case of the so-called "hacker network" Anonymous In: Journal of Management Studies, 2015, 52 (8); co-authored with Dennis Schoeneborn
"Opening Up the Strategy-Making Process: Comparing Open Strategy to Open Innovation" (en) article discussing the commonalities and differences of open strategy and open innovation from a communication-theoretical perspective. In: UZH Business Working Paper No. 359, 2015; co-authored with David Seidl and Felix Werle
"Copyright Reform and Business Model Innovation: Regulatory Propaganda at German Music Industry Conferences." (en) article on regulatory propaganda of two discourse coalitions that do not engage in debate, but aim to find support for competing business models among regulators and the public in ongoing copyright struggles. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2014, 83, 24-39; co-authored with Elke Schüßler
"Backstage: Organizing field-configuring events as institutional work in a transforming creative industry." (en) article on how event organizers with an eye towards shaping the evolution of organizational fields enact a siutation of disruption in Germany's popular music industry. In: Schmalenbach Business Review, October 2014, 415-437; co-authored with Elke Schüßler and Lauri Wessel
"Diskutieren statt Ignorieren: Eckpfeiler für interessierten Pluralismus in der Ökonomie" (de) invited short paper on interested pluralism in economics as recipient of the Egon-Matzner-Award for Socio-Economics. In: Der öffentliche Sektor - The Public Sector, 39 (3), 37-41; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Lessons in Fluidity: Anonymous and the Communicative Formation of Organizational Identity" (en) discussion paper on the communicative construction of organizational identity in the case of Anonymous. In: University of Zurich, Department of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 335, 2013; co-authored with Dennis Schoeneborn
"Work-to-Rule: The Emergence of Algorithmic Governance in Wikipedia" (en) article on the growing importance of algorithmic governance mechanisms such as 'bots' in the German Wikipedia. In: C&T '13, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2013, Pages 80-89; co-authored with Claudia Müller-Birn and Jim Herbsleb
"Theorizing Path Dependence: A Review of Positive Feedback Mechanisms in Technology Markets, Regional Clusters and Organizations" (en) article featuring a qualitative meta-study on prominent cases of path dependence on different levels, including MS Windows, the Silicon Valley and Intel. In: Industrial and Corporate Change, 22 (3), 2013, 617-647; co-authored with Elke Schüßler
"Framing Standards, Mobilizing Users: Copyright Versus Fair Use in Transnational Regulation" (en) article on conflicting efforts of private regulation via standardization in the field of transnational copyright. In: Review of International Political Economy, 20 (1), 2013, 52-88; co-authored with Sigrid Quack
"Breaking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research" (en) article on theoretical conceptions of path dependence and related methodological implications, In: Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 2013, 288-311; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Standardization Cycles: A Process Perspective on the Formation and Diffusion of Transnational Standards" (en) article contrasting the case of Microsoft Windows as a technological market standard with non-technological and negotiated accounting standards in the realm of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In: Organization Studies, Vol. 33 (5-6), 2012, 735-760; co-authored with Sebastian Botzem
"Serial Singularities: Developing a Network Organization by Organizing Events" (en) article analyzing how interorganizational events and structures reinform each other by looking at the case of Wikimedia, the formal organizational body that supports and coordinates collaborative projects such as Wikipedia. In: Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 64 (7), 2012, 204-229; co-authored with Gordon Müller-Seitz
"Dienstleister der Finanzialisierung: Fragmentierte Organisation und kalkulierte Profite in der Immobilienwirtschaft" (de) article on inter-organizational relations driven financialized business models in the real-estate sector in Germany. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 64, 673-700, 2012; co-authored with Sebastian Botzem
"Piraten zwischen transnationaler Bewegung und lokalem Phänomen" (de) pre-print version of a book chapter on the transnational origins and local roots of the pirate party movement, with a special focus on the situation in Germany. Published in: Bieber, C./Leggewie, C. (ed./2012):Unter Piraten: Erkundungen in einer neuen politischen Arena. Transcript: Bielefeld, 25-40; co-authored with Kirsten Gollatz
"Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a Framework for Interested Pluralism in Economics" (en) pre-print version of an article developing a suggestion for a pluralist (meta-)paradigm for economics, to be published in: Journal of Economic Issues; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Regulatorische Unsicherheit und private Standardisierung: Koordination durch Ambiguität" (de) pre-print version of an article on the role of uncertainty in form of ambiguity in the context of private standard-setting, to be published in: Managementforschung, 2012, Vol. 22, in press; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Wesen und Wirken der Wissensallmende" (de) pre-print version of an article on the nature and impact of knowledge commons, to be published in "juridikum - Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht Gesellschaft" (2012)
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"A Guide to Paradigmatic Self-Marginalization: Lessons for Post-Keynesian Economists" (en) pre-print version of an article on paradigmatic strategies for heterodox economists, published in: Review of Political Economy, 24(3), 469-487, 2012; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Open Government Data: eine Initiative der Open-Commons-Region Linz." (de) article on the municipal open government initiative Open Commons Region in Linz, published in HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 49, 74-83, 2012; co-authored with Stefan Pawel, Gustav Pomberger, and René Riedl
"The Digital Public Domain: Relevance and Regulation" (en) paper prepared for the "First Berlin Symposium on Internet and Society", 25-28 October 2011, Berlin, Germany
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"Auf dem Weg zu einer Wissensallmende?" (de) article on the potentials and problems of an evolving knowledge commons; co-authored with Sigrid Quack, "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte", APuZ 28-30/2011
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"Path Dependent Platforms: A Process Perspective on Enterprise Ecosystem Governance" (en) paper prepared for the Workshop "The Role of Platforms for Enterprise Ecosystems" at the 41st annual GI conference INFORMATIK 2011. October 04-07, 2011, Berlin, Germany; co-authored with Jörg Sydow
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"Interorganisationale Netzwerke und digitale Gemeinschaften: Von Beiträgen zu Beteiligung?" (de) pre-print version of an article on the management of the relationship between formalized network organizations and informal digital communities by comparing the cases of Wikimedia and Creative Commons, published in Managementforschung, 2011, Vol. 21, 171-213; co-authored with Sigrid Quack
"Transnational Copyright: Misalignments between Regulation, Business Models and User Practice" (en) paper prepared for the ESF Exploratory Workshop "Consuming The Illegal: Situating Digital Piracy In Everyday Experience", 17-19 April 2011, Leuven, Belgium and published as Osgoode CLPE Research Paper No. 13/2012; co-authored with Sigrid Quack
"Creative Commons' Privates Urheberrecht: (k)eine Lösung?" (de) pre-print version of an article on contingent and inherent challenges for private copyright regulation via standardization of licenses as put forward by Creative Commons, published in kurswechsel, 04/2010
"Kaskaden der Komplementarität: Pfadabhängigkeit organisationaler und technischer Strukturen" (de) pre-print version of an article on path dependence due to complementarities between organizational and technological structuration processes, published in zfbf, Vol. 62 (Juni 2010), 422-451
"Urheberrecht zwischen Kreativität und Verwertung: Transnationale Mobilisierung und private Regulierung" (de) MPIfG Discussion Paper 10/6; a revised version has been published as "Organisation und strategisches Framing privater Regulierung: Urheberrecht zwischen Kreativität und Verwertung" in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 2012; co-authored with Sigrid Quack
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"Transnational Change through Field-Configuring Events: The Copyright Discourse in the German Music Industry" (en) paper presented at the Fourth Conference on Economic Sociology and Political Economy "Transnational Copyright: Organization, Mobilisation, and Law", June 12-15, 2010, Villa Vigoni, Italy; co-authored with Elke Schüßler
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"Wissensraum Linz: Freie Netze und Freies Wissen als kommunalpolitische Aufgabe" (de) book chapter on the genesis and follow-up projects of the edited volume "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen.", published in the edited volume "Humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie" (2010) and written due to receiving the "Wolfgang-Heilmann-Prize" of the German Integrata Foundation; co-authored with Christian Forsterleitner
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"'Why is Economics not an Evolutionary Science?' New Anwsers to Veblen's Old Question. " (en) pre-print version of an article on the paradigmatic development of Economis, published in Journal of Economic Issues, 2009, Vol. 43 (4), 867-898; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
"Institutionalisierung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation: Zwischen Ignoranz, Integration und Invasion" (de) conference paper on institutionalized participation of non-state actors in political decision-making processes, presented at "Momentum09: Freiheit", Track #8: "Demokratie unter Druck", Hallstatt/OÖ, 22.-25. Oktober 2009; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller; shortened version published in: Blaha, B./Weidenholzer, J. (eds./2010): Freiheit: Beiträge für eine demokratische Gesellschaft. Wien: Braumüller
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"Diskutieren und Zitieren: Zur paradigmatischen Konstellation aktueller ökonomischer Theorie" (de) forum article on the paradigmatic stance of current economic theory, published in INTERVENTION. European Journal of Economics and Economic Polcies, 2-2009; co-authored with Jakob Kapeller
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"Free Culture Communities: Facing Organizational Challenges" (en) essay prepared for the Free Culture Research Workshop 2009, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, October 23, 2009
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"Internationale und nichtstaatliche Organisationen im Wettbewerb um Regulierung: Schauplatz Urheberrecht." (de) book chapter, co-authored with Sigrid Quack; published in: Dingwerth, K./Kerwer, D./Nölke, A. (eds./2009): Die Organisierte Welt: Internationale Beziehungen und Organisationsforschung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 230-257
"Windows versus Linux: Großstädtische Migrationsprojekte im Vergleich" (de) conference paper for a talk given at the “Berlin Open 09“, Berlin, 22-23 June 2009
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"The Copyright Dispute: A Transnational Regulatory Struggle" (en) conference paper for the workshop “Mashing-up Culture - The Rise of User-generated Content“, Uppsala University, 13-14 May 2009; co-authored with Sigrid Quack
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"Von Open Access zu Free Knowledge: Erste Schritte zu freiem wissenschaftlichen Wissen" (de) book-chapter, published in: Blaha, B./Weidenholzer, J. (eds./2009): Gerechtigkeit: Beiträge zur Wirtschafts-, Bildungs- und Sozialpolitik. Wien: Braumüller
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"Migration Discourse Structures: Escaping Microsoft's Desktop Path" (en) conference paper on the introduction of free/open source software in the municipality of Munich, investigating organizational discourse structures to explain groundbreaking migration decisions; published in: Russo, B./Damiani, E./Hissam, S./Lundell, B./Succi, G. (Hrsg.): Open Source Development, Communities and Quality, IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Working Group 2.3 on Open Source Software, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy, Series: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 275, 223-235
"A Start: On the Interrelationship of Market, State and Community. And the Responsibilities of Municipalities." (en) article on the preconditions and political tasks required for "A New Cultural Economy" as proposed by the Ars Electronica 2008; translation by Mel Greenwald. In: Catalogue of the Ars Electronica, 2008
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"Ein Anfang: Über das Verhältnis von Markt, Staat und Community. Und über die Aufgaben von Kommunen." (de) article on the preconditions and political tasks required for "A New Cultural Economy" as proposed by the Ars Electronica 2008. In: Katalog der Ars Electronica, 2008&
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"Epistemic Communities and Social Movements: Transnational Dynamics in the Case of Creative Commons" (en) MPIfG Discussion Paper 08/8; co-authored with Sigrid Quack, cf. Online-Abstract, 2008
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"Ohnmacht trotz technologischer Potenz: Pfade informationstechnologischer Selbstentmachtung" (de) book-chapter, published in: Gumm, D./Janneck, M./Langer, R./Simon, E. (Edts./2008): Mensch - Technik - Ärger? Zur Beherrschbarkeit soziotechnischer Dynamik aus transdisziplinärer Sicht. Lit-Verlag
"Von der Kommune zur Community: Freie Netze und freies Wissen auf der lokalpolitischen Agenda" (de) book-chapter, online and in: Lutterbeck, B./Bärwolff, M./Gehring, R.A. (Edts./2007): Open Source Jahrbuch 2007 - Zwischen freier Software und Gesellschaftsmodell. Berlin: Lehmanns Media, ISBN: 3-86541-191-6
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"Zur Qualität reformierten Hochschulunterrichts: Dilemmainterview, Argumentationsmuster, Porträt" (de) seminar-paper in "Qualitative Forschungsmethoden" (2005), partially published in Heinrich, M. (Edt./2006): Reflexionen zur Lehre im Spannungsfeld traditioneller Lehrformen und hochschuldidaktischer Innovation. Ein Projektbericht zur Sicht von Studierenden und NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen., Münster: Monsenstein und Vannerdat, ISBN: 3-865821-61-8
"Rechtsfragen der Anzeige einer Versammlung per Telefax - Besprechung des VfGH-Erkenntnisses B 1182/02 vom 13.03.2003" (de) diploma-thesis for a magister in law, 2004
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"Innovation in Strategischen Netzwerkorganisationen an Hand von Strategischen Unternehmungsnetzwerken und Open-Source-Software-Systemen" (de) diploma-thesis for a magister in business administration, 2003
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Djordjevic, V./Dobusch, L. (eds./2014): "Generation Remix: Zwischen Popkultur und Kunst" Berlin: iRights.Media, ISBN: 978-3-944362-01-4 (de) We live in an age of remix. Creativity and culture have always drawn from previous works, but with the Internet and digital technologies, the creative re-use of works has been taken to a whole new level. The book 'Generation Remix' assembles texts on remix practices and cultures in different fields and features 40+ interviews with remix practitioners about what makes a great remix, how they struggle with contemporary copyright regulation and what is their favorite work of remix. The book project has emerged in the realm of the initiative (German:
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Dobusch, L./Mader, P./Quack, S. (eds./2013): "Governance across borders: transnational fields and transversal themes" Berlin and Cologne: epubli, ISBN: 978-3-8442-4824-1 (en) Governance crosses and blurs borders: disciplinary, geographical, thematic, conceptual. This collection of 127 articles from fourteen different authors assembles incisive contributions on a variety of urgent questions of our age. What is global and what is local in contemporary capitalism? How can we regulate finance? Who owns knowledge? How can we protect the environment and fight poverty? And many more. Structured around different themes, the book invites readers to browse and delve deeper into the issues researched and analyzed over the course of four years on the governance across borders blog.
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Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C./Hiesmair, M. (eds./2011): "Freiheit vor Ort: Handbuch kommunale Netzpolitik" München: Open Source Press, ISBN: 978-3-941-84135-2(de) Freedom, also in the digital information society, starts at the local level. This edited volume is a remix of "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen.", which includes updated and several new chapters, interviews and project suggestions to be realized at the local level. (for more information see
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Dobusch, L. (2008): "Windows versus Linux: Markt - Organisation - Pfad" Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, ISBN: 978-3-531-16242-3 (de) Microsoft Windows is "everyone's favorite example" for path dependence. This volume compares the attempts of four large municipal administrations in Germany and Austria (Berlin, Frankfurt/M., Munich, and Vienna) to migrate their desktop software environment from Microsoft Windows and Office to Free/Open Source Software. In doing so, the possibilities for an "innovative destruction" (Schumpeter) of monopolistic network market structures via organizational technology adoption are investigated.
Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C. (eds./2007): "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen." Wien: Echomedia, ISBN: 3-901761-64-0 (de) book project (cf. dealing with the growing importance of free access to knowledge in several fields such as software (e.g. Free Software), academics (e.g. Open Access publishing, Open Courseware) or culture (e.g. Creative Commons) on the local level, as well. In 9 chapters 17 authors address these issues, add interviews with pioneers and practitioners such as Richard Stallman or Lawrence Lessig and propose concrete projects for the Austrian city Linz - the European Capital of Culture 2009.
Creative Commons License
Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C./Huber, J. (eds./2004): "diskurs: positionen sind gefragt.", Linz, ISBN: 3-900401-49-7 (de) book project on political perspectives for Linz and Upper Austria in diverse fields of interest, presented by 13 young political actors of the region (cf.
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other articles_ description_ file_ license_
"Cofag und Signa: Teure Intransparenz" (de) op-ed on the costs of lack of transparency in the case of the SIGNA insolvency and Covid-19 funding for corporations; in: Kurier, 03.04.2024
"'Halten Sie 53 Millionen Nutzer etwa für eine Krise?'" (de) debate with then ARD Chairman Kai Gniffke on the state of public service media in Germany, transcribed by Tilman Gangloff; in: Südkurier, 10.02.2024
"Signa-Pleite: Was hilft gegen Transparenzvermeidung?" (de) op-ed on lessons from the SIGNA insolvency for increasing corporate transparency; in: Kurier, 08.12.2023
"Die Debatte: Dobusch vs. Dengler" (de) debate with former NZZ CEO Veit Dengler on the State of media Regulation and policy in Austria; in: Horizont, 19.05.2023
"Organisierte Kreativität" (de) interview on organizational preconditions and contexts of creativity. In: eco.nova, 12/2022
"Chancen des Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunks" (de) article on the importance and potentials of public service media in the era of digital platform publics. In: Otto-Brenner-Stiftung (ed.)Welche Öffentlichkeit brauchen wir? Zur Zukunft des Journalismus und demokratischer Digitalmedien, 2022, 171-190
Creative Commons License
"Debatte zum öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk: Mehr digitale Offenheit wagen" (de) op-ed on three ways in which online services by public service broadcasters need to become more open; co-authored with Jan-Hendrik Passoth. In: Tagesspiegel, 09.11.2022
"Was sich bei ARD und ZDF ändern muss: 5 Thesen" (de) op-ed presenting five thesis on the most pressing issues for reforming public service providers in Germany. In: Medium Magazin, 07.10.2022
"Dobusch im TT-Interview 'Öffentlich-Rechtliche Schrittweise social werden" (de) interview on digital affordances, opportunities and threats for public service media in the wake of digitalization. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung,06.10.2022
"Fall Schlesinger: 'Ein Schuss vor den Bug für alle Intendantinnen und Intendanten'" (de) interview on the lessons of an oversight-related scandal in the German public broadcaster RBB for reforming public service media. In: Meedia, 17.08.2022
"Demokratische Öffentlichkeit unverkäuflich machen" (de) op-ed making the case of public service media alternatives to large commercial online platforms. In: Der Standard, 29.04.2022
"Wir brauchen ein neues Twitter" (de) op-ed arguing in favor of public service media hosting social media services connected to the fediverse. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28.04.2022
"Creative Commons as a Public Service Task. " (en) article on the responsibilities and opportunities of public service media providers with respect to free and open copyright licenses. In: Barasits, A. (ed.)Building a European Digital Public Space., iRights.Media, 227-241, 2022
Creative Commons License
"Freie Lizenzen als Investition in die Zukunft öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien" (de) invited comment on free licenses for public service media content In: DGPuK Aviso, 02/2021, 9-10
"Wissenschaftsskepsis weit über Corona hinaus" (de) interview on reasons for scepticism towards scientific knowledge and the role of new digital media in this regard. In: Wissenswert, 2021
"Formen digitaler Publikumseinbindung: Potentiale für öffentlich-rechtliche Medien" (de) article on various ways of audience participation with a particular focus on potentials of public service media. In: ORF (eds.), Digitale Transformation: vom Broadcaster zum Qualitätsnetzwerk, Public Value Studie, 2021; co-authored with Ricardo Parger
"Von interaktiv bis staatsfern: Leonhard Dobuschs zehn Attribute eines idealen ORF" (de) op-ed sketching ten key attributes for public service media in the age of digital platform publics In:, 10.08.2021
"Drei Fragen für die neue ORF-Generaldirektion" (de) op-ed asking three questions relevant for the newly elected CEO of the Austrian public service media incumbent ORF. In: Die Presse, 08.08.2021
"'Das ist fatal, das parteipolitisiert den ORF'" (de) interview-based portrait on the future of public service media in Austria. In: Der Standard, 25.06.2021
"'Politisch Überfordert'" (de) interview on state bureaucracies in the course of the Corona crisis. In: Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung, 12.03.2021
"Ein Modernes Urheberrecht" (de) analysis of and ideas for modernizing copyright law, commissioned by the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, 2020; co-authored with Philipp Otto and Lukas Daniel Klausner
Creative Commons License
"Wissenschaftliches Wissen verwertbar machen" (de) essay on the contribution by openness in science to make scientific knowledge practically useful. In: Zukunft Forschung, 12/2020
"'In Kultur zu investieren, zahlt sich aus'" (de) interview on the value of cultur and art for economic and regional development with a particular emphasis on the COVID19 crisis. In: eco.nova, 08/2020
"Der österreichische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Leonhard Dobusch versucht, Transparenz zu schaffen im ZDF Fernsehrat. Manche mögen das nicht. Ein Interview" (de) interview on my work in the ZDF Television Council, representing the "Internet". In: Frankfurter Allgemein Sonntagszeitung, 01/2019
"Visionen der digitalen Stadt: Smart, Sharing oder Open?" (de) article comparing 'smart', 'open' and 'sharing' as different visions for digital cities. In: WISOdirekt, 33/2017
Creative Commons License
"Standardsituationen der Ökonomiekritik" (de) article on recurring patterns in debates between orthodox and heterodox economists about the paradigmatic status of the discipline. In: Makronom, 2017
Creative Commons License
"Mögliche Wege zum Schulbuch als Open Educational Resources (OER): Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu OER-Schulbüchern in Österreich" (de) feasibility study funded by the Austrian Ministry of Education on OER schoolbooks in Austria, addressing opportunities and challenges as well as presenting possible scenarios and required changes for the introduction of OER schoolbooks, 2017; co-authored with Sandra Schön, Katharina Kneissl and Martin Ebner
Creative Commons License
"Erst Offenheit gibt digitaler Bildung Richtung" (de) article on the importance of open licenses and formats in educational contexts. In: "Forum Wissenschaft", 4/2016; co-authored with Maximilian Heimstäedt
Creative Commons License
"Die Volkshochschulen in der digitalen Welt" (de) article on the challenges and opportunities for Folk high schools in the Internet era. In: Die Österreichische Volkshochschule - Magazin für Erwachsenenbildung, Nr. 259, 2016;
Creative Commons License
"Mit Open Access aus der Zeitschriftenkrise" (de) article giving an introducation on the benefits of open acccess in scientific publishing. In: MDW Magazin;, 04/2016;
Creative Commons License
"Es geht nicht um Geräte, es geht um offene Bildung" (de) article on challenges and potentials of open education in Austria. In: Falter-Beilage Ökonomie: "Ausgerechnet wir: Leben und Arbeiten in digitalisierten Zeiten", Wien, 2016;
"Expertenschwemme gegen die Informationsüberflutung? Expertentum und Expertise im digitalen Zeitalter" (de) article on the (changing) role and constitution of 'experts' in the digital era. In: Ruben Pfizenmaier et al.: "Auf dem Markt der Experten: Zwischen Überforderung und Vielfalt", Berlin: Edition Büchergilde, 2016;
pdf / online
"Die zwei Gesichter der 'Sharing Economy'" (de) article on two distinct forms of sharing economy, market-based and non-market sharing economy. In: "Wirtschaftspolitik - Standpunkte", 01/2016
Creative Commons License
"Plattformökonomie zwischen neuen Monopolen und Sharing Economy" (de) article on the economics of digital platforms in the context of the so-called 'sharing economy' and potentials for regulation, "spw", 2016
"Grau ist alle Praxis: Zur Realverfassung des digitalen Urheberrechts" (de) / "All Practice is Grey: On the Real State of Digital Copyright" (en) article the divide between copyright in the books and copyright in action, prepared for a talk given at the "Digikon15 Conference" (2015)
German / Englisch
Creative Commons License
"Digitale Bildung braucht keine Tablet-Klassent" (de) op-ed on digital education in German schools and the need to focus on open licenses instead of buying hardware, in: ZEIT Online, 15.01.2016
"Warum Wikipedia nach 15 Jahren in der Krise steckt" (de) op-ed on problems such as loss of editors and lack of editor diversity that the online encyclopedia Wikipedia faces around its 15th birthday, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15.01.2016
"Widersprüchliche Gleichzeitigkeiten digitaler Remixkultur" / "Digital Remix Culture" (de/en) book chapter in an edited volume on the public domain, in: Landwehr, D.: Public Domain, Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag, 2015
German / Englisch
"Panoramafreiheit: Plädoyer gegen den Urheberrechts-Extremismus" (de) op-ed on copyright extremism in European copyright reform discourse, inspired by the controversy around freedom of panorama, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 07.08.2015
"Probleme digitaler Plattformregulierung zwischen Verboten, Geboten und Entflechtung" (de) book chapter regulation of digital platforms in the context of network effects, published in: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Sachsen (Eds., 2015): Digitale Schwellen: Freiheit und Privatheit in der digitalen Welt, Dresden, 115-120; a shortened version has been reprinted in: Otto, P. (Eds., 2014): Das Netz 2014/2015: Jahresrückblick Netzpolitik, iRights.Media: Berlin
Creative Commons License
"Schulbuchaktion Digital: Perspektiven für Open Education in Österreich" (de) white paper on (potentials for) open educational resources in the Austrian system for funding books for school students, published as "AK Info" by the Austrian Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer, AK), 2015
"Digitales Update für die Freiheit?" (de) book chapter on the social democratic conception of freedom and the need for its actualization in the digital era, published in: Krell, C./Moerschel, T. (Eds., 2015): Werte und Politik, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 61-72
"Thema doppelt verfehlt" (de) comment on Günther Oettinger's first ideas for future EU copyright legislation as the new commissioner for digital economy and society, in: ZEIT Online, 2014
"Need for New Regulation to Enhance Creativity in the Digital Age: The Cases of User-generated Content and Cultural Heritage Institutions" (en) input paper for the First Council of Europe's Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation "Creating and Enabling Environment for Digital Culture and for Empowering Citizens", July 4-5, 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan
Creative Commons License
"The Transatlantic Free Trade Negotiation: The Zombie Agreement" (en) / "Abkommen von den Abkommen: TTIP als Wiedergänger" (de) article on the problematic presumptions underlying free trade negotations, published in German and English in: "Eutopia: Ideas for Europe Magazine" (2014); translation by Katy Derbyshire
English / German
Creative Commons License
"Standortwettbewerb: Der Imperialismus unserer Zeit" (de) article on competition between countries as the current form of economic imperialism, published in: "Argumente", 1/2014; co-authored with Nikolaus Kowall
Creative Commons License
"Leonhard Dobusch: 'Es existiert nur, was digital gefunden wird'" (de) interview on the changing role of knowledge in the digital society, published in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard, 07.04.2014, p. 3
"Creative Commons im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk: Probleme und Potentiale" (de) white paper on the potentials of and hurdles for using Creative Commons licenses in the context of public broadcasting, prepared for "D64 - Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt", 2014
Creative Commons License
"Wert und Wandel von Open Source im öffentlichen Sektor" (de) article on the changing value of open source in the public sector, in: Kommune 21, Heft 3, 2014
"Creative Commons: Neue Lizenzen, Neues Glück?" (de) book chapter on the potential benefits of and new developments around Creative Commons. In: Beckedahl, M. (ed.): Jahrbuch Netzpolitik 2013, 2014, pp. 44-48
Creative Commons License
"Recht auf Remix wäre ein Traum" (de) article on the issue of remix rights, created by remixing lines of interviews with remixers published at In: Beckedahl, M. (ed.): Jahrbuch Netzpolitik 2013, 2014, pp. 41-43
Creative Commons License
"Drei Thesen zum Wissenschaftsurheberrecht" (de) book chapter on the problems of copyright in the field of research and teaching, published in: Thomae, S. (Ed., 2013):Die Zukunft des Urheberrechts: Expertengespräche der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, Berlin: Universum Kommunikation und Medien, 82-87.
Creative Commons License
"Wikipedia: Grenzenlose Exklusion?" (de) article on exclusionary dynamics in the realm of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, FES Policy Brief (2013)
Creative Commons License
"Urheberrecht: Standortfaktor für digitale Innovationsoffenheit" (de) article on copyright legislation as a major determinant for openness to digital innovation, published in: Baums, A./Scott, B. (Eds.,2013): Kompendium Digitale Standortpolitik: Vom 1x1 zum 3x3, 116-121.
Creative Commons License
"Sicherheit und Unsicherheitszonen" (de) short statement on the reciprocal relation between certainty and zones of uncertainty, prepared for the "FES Gesprächskreises Junge Soziale Demokratie" (2013)
Creative Commons License
"Remix me, Amadeus" (de) article on the value of and the legal obstacles for a rich and lively remix culture in the digital society. In: "newthinking Magazin", 2013
Creative Commons License
"'Blogs sind eine Art öffentlicher Zettelkasten" (de) joint interview with Sigrid Quack and Phil Mader on our research blog governance across borders, published in: Gesellschaftsforschung, 1/2013
"Die Vertreibung aus dem Online-Paradies" (de) article on online platforms increasingly becoming walled gardens, published in: Impulse Wissen, 2013
"Partner wider Willen: Zum Dreiecks-Verhältnis von Community, Markt und Staat" (de) revised and updated article on the interrelationship of market, state and community, which was originally published in the proceedings of the Ars Electronica Festival 2008 (see above), "Berliner Gazette", 2013
Creative Commons License
"Bei E-Books und Plattformen wird Offenheit zum Feature" (de) article on the role of open application programming interfaces (APIs) for digital publishing, "Letter", Ausgabe 05, 2012
Creative Commons License
"2012: Das Jahr, in dem Open Education in Deutschland ankam" (de) article on the growing importance of the issue of open educational resources in Germany. In: Beckedahl, M./Meister, A (eds.): Jahrbuch Netzpolitik 2012 - Von A die ACTA bis Z die Zensur, 2012, pp. 32-37
Creative Commons License
"Zur netzpolitischen Dimension von Gangnam Style" (de) article on the political, specifically copyright, implications of the Gangnam Style phenomenon. In: Beckedahl, M./Meister, A (eds.): Jahrbuch Netzpolitik 2012 - Von A die ACTA bis Z die Zensur, 2012, pp. 41-42
Creative Commons License
"Gelobt sei die Grauzone" (de) article on copyright reform proposals in Austria, suggesting more "grey areas" such as fair use that allow for experimentation and innovation, "Der Standard", 12.12.2012
Creative Commons License
"Es braucht kein neues Urheberrechtsgesetz" (de) article on the potential for progressive copyright policies based upon Creative Commons licensing, "Zeit Online", 2012
Creative Commons License
"Formale Organisation und informale Gemeinschaft: Wikimedia und Wikipedia" (de) article on the interplay of the formal Wikimedia organization and the informal community of Wikipedia volunteers, published in: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Ed.): Dossier Wikipedia, 2012
Creative Commons License
"'Piraterie ist die perfekte Entschuldigung" (de) joint interview on copyright protection and the music industry with Hannes Eder, CEO of Universal Austria, published in: Trend Medienheft, 2012, pp. 66-71
"Reformen im Schatten: Wieviel Demokratie steckt in der Wikipedia?" (de) article on governance and participation in Wikipedia and Wikimedia, "Berliner Gazette", 2012
Creative Commons License
"Öffentliche Räume und Güter im Netz" (de) article on public spaces and public goods in the digital realm, "Gegenblende", 2012
Creative Commons License
"Urheberrecht: flexibilisieren, pauschal vergüten und offen lizenzieren" (de) article on problems of copyright and avenues for progressive reform, "Berliner Republik 3/2012"
Creative Commons License
"Digitale Lehrmittelfreiheit: Mehr als digitale Schulbücher" (de) white paper on open educational resources with focus on the situation in Germany, prepared for "D64 - Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt", 2012
Creative Commons License
"Informationsmärkte und Öffentlichkeit: Jenseits von "Free" und "Free Ride"" (de) article on commons-based agenda setting in information markets, which transcends the common distinction exemplified by the books "Free" by Chris Anderson and "Free Ride" by Robert Levine. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hg.): Öffentlichkeit im Wandel - Medien, Internet, Journalismus, 2012, pp. 78-81
online / pdf
Creative Commons License
"Urheberrecht darf im Alltag keine Rolle mehr Spielen" (de) article on copyright reform, making two suggestions: introducing the "Creative Contribution" model by Philippe Aigrain and a Fair Use clause on the European level, "Zeit Online", 2012
online / pdf
Creative Commons License
"In schlechter Gesellschaft" (de) article on the role of collecting societies as a barrier to the diffusion and acceptance of alternative copyright licenses such as Creative Commons, published in Kulturrisse, 1/2012; re-published in
online / pdf
Creative Commons License
"Alles fließt: Liquid Democracy in Theorie und Praxis." (de) article on the theory and praxis of delegated voting, prepared for the "Tagung (Partei)Demokratie", 9-11 March, 2012, Payerbach, Austria; co-authored with Yussi Pick
Creative Commons License
"Der volkswirtschaftliche Wert der Arbeit" (de) short statement on the worth of labour from an economic perspective, prepared for the "FES Gesprächskreises Junge Soziale Demokratie" (2012)
Creative Commons License
"ACTA: Vom Symptom zum Wendepunkt?" (de) comment on why ACTA has been symptomatic for intellectual property regulation over the last decade and why protests against ACTA might become a turning point, "spw 1/2012"
Creative Commons License
"Schuldenprobleme sind Verteilungsprobleme" (de) policy brief on the connections between national debt levels and distribution of income and wealth, focusing Germany and Europe, "Policy Brief des FES Gesprächskreises Junge Soziale Demokratie", 2012, co-authored with Fedor Ruhose)
Creative Commons License
"Mülltrennen im Netz: Was ist digitaler Umweltschutz" (de) article on digital environmentalism and the analogy between recycling and the use of Creative Commons licenses, "Berliner Gazette", 2011
Creative Commons License
"Enge Gürtel machen auch nicht schlanker" (de) article comparing the situation in Greece 2011 with Austria in the 1920s and 1930s, "The European", 2011
Creative Commons License
"Letter from: Berlin" (de) article for the series "Letter from", reflecting on what can be learnt from the example of Berlin for urban economic development, "Bruno", 2/2011
Creative Commons License
"Bad for artists? Digitization, Remuneration, and Copyright" (en) article based upon an invited talk given at the panel "Open or closed? Intellectual property and technological change" at the 23rd Eurozine conference, May 13, 2011, Linz, Austria
online / pdf
Creative Commons License
"Urheberrecht und die Kulturtechniken der digitalen Revolution" (de) article copyright-related problems for new cultural practices in the course of the digital revolution, "Berliner Republik 5/2010")
Creative Commons License
"Wissen für den Standort: Zur Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik der EU" (de) article on the conception of knowledge in the EU agenda on research and technology; co-authored with Oliver Prausmüller. In: "BdWi-Studienheft 7: Wege und Irrwege in die Wissensgesellschaft", 2010
"Die digitale Dividende: Vernetztes Arbeiten und Wissensaustausch in Fach-Communities" (de) invited talk on using tools such as blogs, wikis and open licensing for knowledge exchange in communities of practice, given at a workshop organized by "Prev Net", an online portal for drug prevention work, 2010
Creative Commons License
"Populäre Urheberrechtsmythen" (de) statement given at a round table discussion in the Austrian parliament on the issue "Interessensausgleich im Urheberrecht", 2010
Creative Commons License
"Umstrittenes Urheberrecht: Zuviel oder zuwenig Schutz?" (de) article on the research project "The Copyright Dispute ", "MPIFG Newsletter 3/2009", pp. 9f.
Creative Commons License
"Gerechtigkeit für Google!" (de) article on the Google Book Settlement and related problems of copyright, "Der Standard", 2009
png / pdf
"Plädoyer für einen Neoreformismus" (de) article postulating the need for a neo-reformist turn in socialdemocratic theory and praxis; co-authored with Nikolaus Kowall, "ZUKUNFT", 2009
Creative Commons License
"Agent(ur)en des Bösen: Orakel der Finanzmärkte" (de) article that compares credit rating agencies in financial markets to ancient oracles, thereby discussing their problematic role in the finanical crisis, "COGITO", 2009
Creative Commons License
"Der Marxismus der Konservativen: Der Marktradikalismus ist die doktrinäre Orthodoxie der Konservativen. Es ist ihre Aufgabe, mit ihm fertig zu werden." (de) article on parallels between orthodox marxist and orthodox neoclassic paradigms; co-authored with Nikolaus Kowall, "Telepolis", 2008
"Mehr Parlamentarismus ins Parlament: Neue Wahlergebnisse erfordern neue Rollen für Präsident und Parlament." (de) article advocating a change in Austria's constitutional practice of appointing its government without changing constitutional laws. Online accessible at"Die Presse", 2008
Creative Commons License
"'Den Kinderschuhen Entwachsen'" (de) interview on Free/Open Source Software, "JKUrsiv", 2008
"Zivilgesellschaft im 'Schweinesystem': Außerparlamentarische Opposition ist auch (k)eine Lösung" (de) article on the role of civil society activism in representative democracies, "PROGRESS", 2008
Creative Commons License
"'Es geht darum, wie es auf CNN rüberkommt'" (de) book review of Joris Luyendijk's "Wie im echten Leben: Von Bildern und Lügen in Zeiten der Krieges", "PROGRESS", 2007
Creative Commons License
"Protest als Praxis der Aufklärung: Wer studentische Widerstände als ebensolche Unvernunft abtut, macht es sich selbst zu einfach" (de) article on the contributions of protest movements to enlightenment as an infinte process; co-authored with Barbara Blaha; In: Sperl, G./Steiner, M. (Edts./2007): "Was für Zeiten. Das Ende der Aufklärung? Über Dimensionen des Vernünftigen (Bd. 8)", Graz: Leykam, ISBN: 978-3-7011-7576-5
"Es tut sich was: Nach Jahrzehnten des Stillstands ist Bewegung ins österreichische Bildungswesen gekommen." (de) article dealing with the Austrian education system and the respective reform debate, "PROGRESS", 2007
Creative Commons License
"Glücklich vereint? Wie es mit der EU in ihren zweiten 50 Jahren weitergehen wird, ist noch keineswegs ausgemacht." (de) article on the different perspectives of the European Union, "PROGRESS", 2007
Creative Commons License
"Umverteilt wird immer" (de) book review of Makus Marterbauer's "Wem gehört der Wohlstand?", "PROGRESS", 2007
Creative Commons License
"Kollateralschäden des immerwährenden Krieges: Über die Einschränkung der Menschen- und Freiheitsrechte als Reaktion auf terroristische Bedrohungen" (de) article on restrictions of human rights due to the "war on terror", "PROGRESS", 2007
Creative Commons License
"Freiheit lieg in der Luft: Freie Funknetze und ihr Beitrag zur Bekämpfung der digitalen Spaltung" (de) article on the contribution of free municipal wi-fi networks in reducing the so-called "digital divide"; co-authored with Manuela Hiesmair; In: Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C. (Edts./2007): "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen.", Wien: Echomedia, ISBN: 3-901761-64-0, online accessible at
Creative Commons License
"Freie Software für freie BürgerInnen: Kommunale Chancen und Aufgaben bei der Verwendung Freier und Open Source Software" (de) article on Free and Open Source Software usage on the municipal level; co-authored with Jakob Huber; In: Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C. (Edts./2007): "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen.", Wien: Echomedia, ISBN: 3-901761-64-0, online accessible at
Creative Commons License
"Das Comeback der Allmende - Freie Inhalte könnten das Internet zur 'digitalen Dorfwiese' der ganzen Welt machen" (de) article on free knowledge, open content and intellectual property rights, "QUER", 2006
Creative Commons License
"Soll essen, wer nicht arbeitet? - Wer für eine Grundsicherung kämpft, ist noch lange nicht für ein Grundeinkommen." (de) article on different strategies for establishing a guaranteed minimum income, "PROGRESS", 2006
Creative Commons License
"Was heißt hier Wissensgesellschaft? - Potentiale freien Wissens und politische Ignoranz. Eine Polemik." (de) article on the potential of and necessities for freedom and access to knowledge in the digital age that are ignored by German politicians of all political camps, "spw" 5/2006
pdf / pdf(print-layout)
"Netzneutralität vs. Zwei-Klassen-Internet: Endet das Zeitalter digitaler Informationsfreiheit bevor es begonnen hat?" (de) article on net neutrality, information freedom and access to knowledge, "PROGRESS", 2006
Creative Commons License
"Politics needs Pop needs Politics!" (de) article on the recursive intellectual potential of pop culture and politics, co-authored with Lars Klingbeil, "spw" 4/2006
"Wir sind Fußball - Die Entwicklung von Fußball zur 'hegemonialen Sportkultur'. Und der sportliche Sonderweg der USA." (de) article on soccer's development to the global hegemonic sports culture including the exceptional case of the USA, "PROGRESS", 2006
Creative Commons License
"'Krieg der Generationen' - Der deutsche Bestsellerautor Frank Schirrmacher will mit martialischen Tönen die Deutschen vor dem Aussterben retten" (de) book review of Frank Schirrmacher's "Minimum" and "Methusalem Komplott", "PROGRESS", 2006
Creative Commons License
"Profiteure der Panik - Banken und Versicherungen als Treiber jüngster Pensionsreformen" (de) article on the lobbying of banks and insurance companies for different pension systems in Austria and Germany, "PROGRESS", 2006
Creative Commons License
"Wer will Web 2.0? - Das World Wide Web zwischen Idealismus und Kommerz" (de) article on the 'Web 2.0'-hype, long version published in "COGITO", short version in "PROGRESS", 2006
pdf(long) / pdf(short)
Creative Commons License
"Paradoxe Intervention: Die ÖH-Wahlen 2005: Neues Wahlrecht, alte Mehrheit?" (de) article on the national union of students' (ÖH) elections (2005); co-authored with Barbara Blaha; In: Häupl, M./Oxonitsch, C./Millmann, G.(2005): "Wiener Jahrbuch für Politik 2004/2005", Wien: Echomedia, ISBN: 3-901761-51-9
"USA - Deutschland/Österreich: 'Bakks' in Österreich und den USA haben nur wenig gemein" (de) article on the differences between the US-Bachelor and the new German/Austrian "Bakkelaureat", "COGITO", 2005
Creative Commons License
"Kinder von Byzanz? Pro und Contra EU-Beitritt der Türkei quer durch Europa" (de) article on the different positions concerning a Turkish entry into the EU, "WU-Offensiv", 2005
Creative Commons License
"Hypothese: widerlegt. Lehren aus der letzten PISA-Studie." (de) article on the consequences of the PISA-studies for the Austrian educational system, "Der Standard", 2004
png / pdf
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"Information ist Luxus, Baby: Was bringt die ÖH-Bundesvertretung den Studierenden? Eine Zwischenbilanz." (de) article on the work of the National Union of Students in Austria, "PROGRESS", 2004
Creative Commons License
"ÖVP will ÖH mundtot machen!" (de) article on the new legal regulation of the Austrian National Union of Students "ÖH", published 2004 in several student magazines, "Offensiv", "Cogito", etc.
Creative Commons License
"politische implikationen regionaler netzwerke" (de) article about the political aspects of organizational network theory; In: Dobusch, L./Forsterleitner, C./Huber, J. (Edts./2004): "diskurs: positionen sind gefragt.", Linz, ISBN: 3-900401-49-7, online accessible at
"'Ich hab mehr Freunde als du!': 'orkut', 'friendster' und 'meetup' versprechen (nicht nur) Computer-Nerds aus der sozialen Isolation zu retten." (de) article on online social networking, "Offensiv", 2004
Creative Commons License
"Standortfaktor Steuerhöhe: Steuerwettbewerb zwischen Ländern führt überall zu niedrigeren Steuern. Ist das gut oder schlecht?" (de) article on taxes as a location factor, "WU-Offensiv", 2004
Creative Commons License
"Das schlechte Gewissen ist der einzige Fehler: Mit ihrer Befürwortung des freien Musikdownloads in ihrer aktuellen Kampagne polarisiert die Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft (ÖH)." (de) article dealing with the "free people"-campaign, "sign", 2004
Creative Commons License
"Cartellverband: 11.072 Männer im konservativen Beziehungsnetwork: Der Cartellverband (CV) spielt nicht nur auf der Johannes Kepler Universität eine Rolle" (de) article dealing with the Austrian "Cartellverband", "JKUrsiv", 2003
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other documents_ description_ file_ license_
"Stellungnahme zu 4. Medienänderungsstaatsvertragg" (de) written expert statement in the Committee for Digitization, Digital Infrastructure and Media of the Rheinland-Pfalz state parliament on the state law on the 4th Interstate Media Amendment Treaty, 06.10.2023
Creative Commons License
"Stellungnahme zu 3. Medienänderungsstaatsvertrag" (de) written expert statement in the Committee for Digitization, Digital Infrastructure and Media of the Rheinland-Pfalz state parliament on the state law on the 3rd Interstate Media Amendment Treaty, 24.05.2023
Creative Commons License
"Mit Linksreformismus aus der Krise?" (de) call for papers dealing with progressive political theory and practice; co-authored with Rainer Land, see also, In: "Berliner Debatte Initial", 2010, Vol. 21 (1), pp. 141-144
Creative Commons License
"Das Konzept der (Industrie-)Cluster und sein Erfolg in Oberösterreich" (de) seminar-paper in "Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte für DissertantInnen", 2005
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"free people"-campagin short summary (en) the campaign of the austrian national union of students deals with copyrights and patents and their consequences on society, 2004
Creative Commons License
"free people"-campagin introduction (de) the campaign of the austrian national union of students deals with copyrights and patents and their consequences on society, 2004
Creative Commons License
"free people"-campaign:
free knowledge (de)
text of a short brochure dealing with the threats and possibilites of new information technologies and intellectual property rights concerning the access to knowledge, 2004
Creative Commons License
"free people"-campaign:
free software (de)
text of a short brochure dealing with the threats and possibilites free software, especially in public institutions, 2004
Creative Commons License
"Regionale Netzwerke und Cluster und deren Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit" (de) seminar-paper in "Betriebliche Umweltwirtschaft", 2002
Creative Commons License
"Selbstorganisationsansatz - nach Gilbert Probst, Heinz von Foerster, Humberto R. Maturana und
Francisco J. Varela" (de)
seminar-paper in "(Makro-) Organisationale Theorien", 2001
Creative Commons License
"Strafrecht: Defintionen AT und BT" (de) Collection of criminal law definitions in preparation for the diploma examination, 2002
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"Komplexitätstheoretische Erklärungen der Struktur" (de) seminar-paper in "Organisational Structure", 2001
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